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Billing Module


Document History




Date of Issue 

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Brief Description 


Deema Z.

Asma L.



Initial Draft


Deema Z.

Bara’ A.



Final Review




COD Shipments

COD shipments are a way of buying goods online where the customer pays for the purchase in cash or by card when the package is delivered to their doorstep, instead of paying upfront. It's a convenient option for those who prefer to pay upon receiving their items.


Master Air Waybill which represents the master shipment ID that consists of multiple shipments.

Shipping Charges

The fees associated with the transportation of goods from origin to destination.

Customs Charges

The fees imposed by customs authorities on imported or exported goods. These charges cover duties, taxes, and other levies that are necessary for regulatory compliance and entry of goods into a specific country.

Additional Charges

Extra fees beyond standard shipping costs, often incurred due to special services or circumstances such as express shipping, handling of oversized items, or specific delivery requirements.


Additional fees applied to shipping costs, often due to specific conditions like fuel price fluctuations, peak seasons, or special handling requirements.

First Mile Charges

The costs associated with the initial stage of the transportation process, starting from the point of origin or the supplier's location. These charges cover activities such as pickup, packaging, and the transportation of goods from the supplier to a distribution center, port, or the next stage of the supply chain.

Last Mile Charges

The expenses incurred during the final stage of the transportation process, typically involving the delivery of goods from a distribution center, transportation hub, or port to the end customer's location. These charges encompass activities like local delivery, handling, and often include costs associated with overcoming the unique challenges of delivering goods to the end recipient, such as residential areas or congested urban environments.

1. Ratesheet Management

The purpose of this feature is to manage the billing ratesheet which handles the shipping charges pricing structure and their related settings.

1.1 View Ratesheet

The user can view the defined rate sheets in the system by navigating to the ‘Ratesheets’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 1- View Ratesheets

  • Add Ratesheet: the user can add a ratesheet by clicking on Add Ratesheet, referring to the Add Ratesheet section.

  • Search: the user can search for the ratesheet by typing in the search filter field.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button the user can view specific ratesheet details referring to View ratesheet Details, edit ratesheet by referring to Edit Ratesheet,, delete ratesheet, manage product by referring to Manage Product, and test ratesheet by referring to Test Ratesheet as follows:


Figure 2- Ratesheet Related Actions

1.4 View Ratesheet Details

The user can view the ratesheet details by navigating to the ‘Ratesheet’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows:


Figure 3- View Ratesheet Details

1.3 Add Ratesheet

The user can add a new ratesheet by navigating to the ‘Ratesheet’ screen via Billing Module and clicking on Add Ratesheet as follows:


Figure 4- Add Ratesheet

  • Ratesheet Name: this field represents the ratesheet’s name.

  • Ratesheet Type: this field represents ratesheet’s type.

  • Ratesheet Description: this field represents the ratesheet’s description.

  • Currency Code: this field represents the ratesheet’s currency.

  • Ratesheet Handler: this field represents the custom processor that supports multiple Excel templates. 

  • Branch Status: this field represents the branch status where active means that the branch is currently functioning with GN TEQ and inactive means that the branch is no longer using the GN TEQ system.

  • Product Type: this field represents the ratesheet product service. e.g.: DLV: Home Delivery, PUD: Office Drop off, or PSD: Parcel Station Drop off. 

  • Translation: this field represents the translations of the ratesheet.


    By clicking on Save, the system adds a new ratesheet successfully.

1.4 Edit Ratesheet

The user can edit the ratesheet information by navigating to the ‘Ratesheet’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Edit from Actions as follows:


Figure 5- Edit Ratesheet

By clicking on Save, the system updates the reatesheet successfully.

1.5 Manage Product

The user can define the zones and link them with the ratesheet by navigating to the ‘Ratesheet’ screen via the Billing module and clicking on Edit from Actions then choosing the required Product Type. Once the product type is chosen, it will be listed below, as follows:


Figure 6- Manage Product (Manage Zones)

Once the product type is listed, the user can perform the below action when clicking on the Actions:

  • Manage Zone: the user can add zones to the ratesheet based on the product type workflow (international or local).

  • Remove: the user can remove the added product type.

The user can manage the zone value of the added product type by clicking on Zone Details through Actions and choosing one of the below options:


Figure 7 - Manage Zone Related Actions

  • Manage Zone Value: the user can define the shipping charges value per weight breakdown.


Figure 8- Manage Zone Value

  • Manage Zone Extra Value: the user can define the shipping charges value for the extra value.


Figure 9- Manage Ratesheet Zone Extra Value

1.6 Test Ratesheet

The user can test the ratesheet by navigating to the ‘Ratesheet’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Test Ratesheet from Actions, as follows:  


Figure 10- Test Ratesheet

2. Surcharges Management

The purpose of this feature is to define and manage the surcharges along with their associated configurations. Surcharges are linked to Product service and product type; examples are insurance and high-value items surcharges.


Figure 11- Test Ratesheet

2.1 View Surcharge

The user can view the defined surcharge in the system by navigating to the ‘Surcharges’ screen by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 12- View Surcharge

  • Search: the user can search for the surcharges by using the search filter field.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Add Surcharge: the user can add a new surcharge by clicking on Add Surcharge, referring to the Add Surcharge section.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button the user can view specific surcharge details by referring to View Surcharge Details and edit surcharge by referring to Edit Surcharge as follows:


Figure 13- Surcharge Related Actions

2.2 View Surcharge Details

The user can view the details of the surcharge by navigating to the ‘Surcharges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows:


Figure 14- View Surcharges Details

  • By clicking on the Surcharges in the page breadcrumb, the user goes back to the surcharges list.

2.3 Add Surcharge

The user can add a new surcharge by navigating to the ‘Surcharges’ screen via Billing Module and clicking on Add Surcharge as follows:


Figure 15- Add New Surcharge

  • Code: this field represents any unique alphanumeric value.

  • Description: this field represents the surcharges’ description.

  • Currency: this field represents the surcharges’ currency 

  • Surcharge Type: this field represents the surcharges’ type that applies either to shipments or container.

  • External Code: this field represents the customer’s service ID for integration purposes.

  • Countries: This field represents the countries to which surcharge will be applied.

  • Product Service: this field represents the product service surcharges: International or Domestic. 

  • Product Type: this field represents the delivery type of the product service. e.g.: DLV: Home Delivery, PUD: Office Drop off, or PSD: Parcel Station Drop off. 

  • Accumulate: by marking this option, the system will consider any other related charges when calculating this surcharge.

  • Priority: If there are multiple surcharges defined on shipment level, then the execution of the surcharges will be according to the surcharge priority defined.

  • Surcharges Conditions: this field represents the ability to apply surcharges over multiple fields (Goods Amount, Weight, etc.) using rules and rulesets similar to the solution implemented on the additional charges conditions.

  • Apply Over: this field represents the criteria for which the surcharge will apply e.g., Goods Value, Weight, COD Value, and Base Amount Value.

  • Operator: this field represents mathematical symbols e.g., <,>, =, <=,>= etc....

  • Min Value: this field represents the minimum allowed value for applying for surcharges.

  • Mode: this field represents the methods of calculating surcharges e.g.: Percentage or Flat rate.

  • Value: this field represents the value to apply on the selected mode.

  • Percentage of: this field represents the percentage ratio that applies to the surcharge.

  • Percentage Apply Over: this field represents the surcharges’ minimum value for the percentage mode.

  • Min Surcharge Value: this field represents the surcharges’ minimum value.

  • Function To Apply: this field represents the rounding type.

  • Status: this field represents the status where active means that the surcharge is currently functioning with GN TEQ and inactive means that the surcharge is no longer active in the GN TEQ system

  • Start Date: this field represents the start date of enabling the surcharge.

  • End Date: this field represents the end date of disabling the surcharge.

Video 1- Add New Surcharge

By clicking on Save, the system adds new surcharges successfully.

2.4 Edit Surcharges

The user can edit the surcharge information by navigating to the ‘Surcharges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Edit from Actions, as follows:


Figure 16- Edit Surcharge

By clicking on Save, the system updates the surcharges successfully.

3. Additional Charges Management

The purpose of this feature is to define and manage the additional charges along with their associated configurations. Additional charges are linked to Product service, Product type as well as Service code, example is COD additional charge.

3.1 View Additional Charges

The user can view the defined additional charges in the system by navigating to the ‘Additional Charges’ screen by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 17- View Additional Charges

  • Search: the user can search for the additional charges by typing in the search filter field.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Add Additional Charges: the user can add a new additional charge by clicking on Add Additional Charge, referring to the Add Additional Charge section.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button the user can view specific additional charge details by referring to View Additional Charge Details and edit additional charge by referring to Edit Additional Charge as follows:


Figure 18-Additional Charges Related Actions

3.2 View Additional Charge Details

The user can view the details of the additional charges by navigating to the ‘Additional Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows:


Figure 19- View Additional Charges Details

3.3 Add New Additional Charge

The user can add new additional charges by navigating to the ‘Additional Charges’ screen via Billing Module and clicking on Add Additional Charge as follow:


Figure 20- Add New Additional Charge

  • Description: this field represents the description of the additional charges.

  • Currency: this field represents the additional charges’ currency. 

  • External Code: this field represents the customer service ID for integration purposes.

  • Countries: This field represents the countries to which the additional charges will be applied.

  • Product Service: this field represents the product service surcharges: International or Domestic. 

  • Product Type: this field represents the delivery type of product service. e.g.: DLV: Home Delivery, PUD: Office Drop off, or PSD: Parcel Station Drop off. 

  • Service Code: this field represents the code of any additional service.

  • Accumulate: by marking this option, the system will consider any other related charges when calculating the additional charges.

  • Priority: If there are multiple additional charges defined on shipment level, then the execution of those charges will be according to the priority defined.

  • Apply Over: this field represents the criteria for which the additional charges will apply e.g., Goods Value, Weight, COD Value, and Base Amount Value.

  • Operator: this field represents mathematical symbols e.g., <,>, =, <=,>= etc....

  • Min Value: this field represents the minimum allowed value for applying for additional charge.

  • Mode: this field represents the methods of calculating the additional charges e.g.: Percentage or Flat rate.

  • Value: this field represents the value to apply on the selected mode.

  • Percentage of: this field represents the percentage ratio that applies to the additional charges.

  • Percentage Apply Over: this field represents the additional charges’ minimum value for the percentage mode.

  • Min Additional Value: this field represents the additional values’ minimum amount.

  • Function To Apply: this field represents the rounding type.

  • Status: this field represents the status where active means that the additional charges are currently functioning with GN TEQ and inactive means that those charges are no longer active in the GN TEQ system

  • Start Date: this field represents the start date for enabling the additional charges.

  • End Date: this field represents the end date of disabling the additional charges.

By clicking on Save, the system adds new additional charges successfully.

3.4 Edit Additional Charge

The user can edit the additional charges information by clicking on Edit from Actions, by navigating to the ‘Additional Charges’ screen via the Billing Module as follows:


Figure 21 - Edit Additional Charge

By clicking on Save, the system updates the additional charges successfully.

4. Discount Management

The purpose of this feature is to define and manage the discounts along with their associated configurations. Discounts are linked to Product service, Product type as well as the Service code and can be applied on either shipments or invoices.

4.1 View Discount

The user can view the defined discount in the system by navigating to the ‘Discount’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 22- View Discount

  • Search: the user can search for the discount by typing in the search filter field.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Add Discount: the user can add a new discount by clicking on Add Discount, referring to the Add New Discount section.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button, the user can view specific discount details by referring to View Discount Details and edit discount by referring to Edit Discount as follows:


Figure 23 - Discount Related Actions

4.2 View Discount Details

The user can view the details of the discount by navigating to the ‘Discount’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows:


Figure 24- View Discount Details

4.3 Add New Discount

The user can add a new discount by navigating to the ‘Discount’ screen via Billing Module and clicking on Add New Discount as follows:


Figure 25- Add New Discount

  • Description: this field represents the discount’s description.

  • Currency: this field represents the discount’s currency.

  • Apply On: this field represents the discount applicable on (shipment or invoice)

  • Countries: This field represents the countries to which the discount will be applied.

  • Product Service: this field represents the product service of the discount: International or Domestic. 

  • Product Type: this field represents the discount product service. e.g.: DLV: Home Delivery, PUD: Office Drop off, or PSD: Parcel Station Drop off.

  • Service Code: this field represents the code of any additional service.

  • Apply Over: this field represents the criteria for which the discount will apply e.g., Goods Value, Weight, COD Value, and Base Amount Value.

  • Apply Over Value: this field represents the minimum value that will be applied to the discount.

  • Mode: this field represents the methods of calculating the discount e.g.: Percentage or Flat rate.

  • Value: this field represents the value to apply on the selected mode.

  • Percentage of: this field represents the percentage ratio that applies to the discount.

  • Status: this field represents the status where active means that the discount is currently functioning with GN TEQ and inactive means that the discount is no longer active in the GN TEQ system.

  • Start Date: this field represents the start date of enabling the discount.

  • End Date: this field represents the end date of disabling the discount.


By clicking on Save, the system adds a new discount successfully.

4.4 Edit Discount

The user can edit the discount information by navigating to the ‘Discount’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Edit from Actions, as follows:


Figure 26- Edit Discount

By clicking on Save, the system updates the discount successfully.

5. Shipping Charges Management

The purpose of this feature is to manage the shipping charges, where users can view the shipping charges and edit them for recalculation when necessary.

5.1 View Shipping Charges

The user can view the defined shipping charges in the system by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel and navigating to the ‘Shipping Charges’ screen as follows:


Figure 27- View Shipping Charges

  • Filter: the user can search for the shipping charges by typing the shipment number (AWB), customer code, and branch code in the search filter field.

  • Identify: this button enables the user to re-calculate the shipping charges.

  • Calculation: this button enables the user to calculate the shipping charges manually.

  • Issue Invoice: this button enables the user to create the shipping charges invoice manually.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button, the user can view specific shipping charges details by referring to View Shipping Charges Details, and edit shipping charges by referring to Edit Shipping Charges as follows:


Figure 28- Shipping Charges Related Actions

5.2 View Shipping Charges Details

The user can view the details of the shipping charges by navigating to the ‘Shipping Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows:


Figure 29- View Shipping Charges Details

  • Edit: the user can edit the information on the shipping charges by clicking on the Edit button by referring to the Edit Shipping Charges section.

5.3 Edit Shipping Charges

The user can edit the information on the shipping charges by navigating to the ‘Shipping Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Edit from Actions, as follows:


Figure 30- Edit Shipping Charges

  • Identify: this button enables the user to re-calculate the shipping charges.

  • Calculate: this button enables the user to calculate the shipping charges manually.

  • Edit Amounts: this button enables the user to update base amount, surcharges, & additional charges manually.

  • Save: this button enables the user to save the changes made.

  • Create Invoice: this button enables the user to create the shipping charges invoice.

  • Print Invoice: this button enables the user to print the shipping charges invoice.

6. Customs Charges Management

The purpose of this feature is to manage the customs charges, where users can view the customs charges and edit them for recalculation if necessary.

6.1 View Customs Management

The user can view the defined customs charges in the system by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel and navigating to the ‘Customs Charges’ screen as follows:


Figure 31- View Customs Charges

  • Filter: the user can search for the customs charges by typing the shipment number (AWB), customer code, branch code, product type and charge status in the search filter field.

  • Identify: this button enables the user to re-calculate the shipping charges.

  • Calculate: this button enables the user to calculate the shipping charges manually.

  • Issue Invoice: this button enables the user to create the shipping charges invoice manually.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button, the user can view specific shipping charges details by referring to View Customs Charges, and edit shipping charges by referring to Edit Customs Charges as follows:


Figure 32- Customs Charges Related Actions

6.2 View Customs Charges Details

The user can view the details of the customs charges by navigating to the ‘Customs Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions, as follows:


Figure 33- View Customs Charges Details

  • Edit: the user can edit the information on the customs charges by clicking on the Edit button by referring to the Edit Customs Charges section.

6.3 Edit Customs Charges

The user can edit the information on the customs charges by navigating to the ‘Customs Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Edit from Actions, as follows:


Figure 34- Edit Customs Charges

  • Identify: this button enables the user to re-calculate the customs charges.

  • Calculate: this button enables the user to calculate the customs charges manually.

  • Save: this button enables the user to save the changes made.

  • Create Invoice: this button enables the user to create the customs charges invoice.

  • Print Invoice: this button enables the user to print the customs charges invoice.

7. Shipping Charges Invoices

The purpose of this feature is to allow the user to view the related shipping charges invoices, where the user can search for a specific invoice using Filters.

The user can view the defined shipping charges invoices in the System by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel and navigating to the ‘Shipping Charges Invoices’ screen as follows:


Figure 35- View Shipping Charges Invoices

  • Filters: the user can search for the shipping charges by typing the Billing date, Customer code, Branch code, and invoice number on the search filter fields.

7.1 View Shipping charges invoice Details

The user can view more details by clicking on Actions, then Details as follows:


Figure 36 - View Shipping Charge Invoice Details

8. Customs Charges Invoices

The purpose of this feature is to allow the user to view the related customs charges invoices, where the user can search for a specific invoice using Filters.

The user can view the defined customs charges invoices in the System by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel and navigating to the ‘Customs Charges Invoices’ screen as follows:


Figure 37 - View Customs Invoices

  • Filters: the user can search for the customs charges by typing the Billing date, Customer code, Branch code, and invoice number on the search filter fields.

8.1 View Customs Invoice Details

The user can view more details by clicking on Actions, then Details as follows:


Figure 38 - View Custom Invoice Details

9. Shipping Credit Transaction

This feature provides an overview of the shipping credit transactions details including transactions, balance amounts, currency, and payment status. The user has the capability to filter per customer code, branch code and status for a specified period.

The user can view the Shipping credit transaction in the System by navigating to the ‘Shipping Credit Transaction’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 39 - View Shipping Credit Transaction

10. Custom Credit Transaction

This feature provides an overview of the customs credit transaction details including transactions, balance amounts, currency, and payment status. The user has the capability to filter per customer code, branch code, and status for a specified period.

The user can view the defined custom credit transaction in the System by navigating to the ‘Custom Credit Transaction’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 40- View Custom Credit Transaction

11. COD Shipment

The purpose of this feature is to provide the user with an overview of COD shipments with their COD values and currencies that will be used for reconciliation.

 The user can view the defined COD shipment in the System by navigating to the ‘COD Shipment’ screen by choosing the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 41 - View COD Shipment

  • Reconcile: the user can reconcile a batch of shipments by clicking on the Reconcile button.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button         the user can reconcile specific shipments.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Filter: the user can search for the COD shipments by typing the customer’s name, branch name and Date in the search filter field.

12. COD Batch Reconciliation

The purpose of this feature is to provide the user with an overview of COD shipments with their COD values, currencies as batches, for approval and transfer.

The user can view the defined COD batch reconciliation in the System by navigating to the ‘COD Batch Reconciliation’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 42- COD Batch Reconciliation

  • Filters: the user can search for the COD shipments by typing the customer’s name, branch name and reconciliation status in the search filter fields.

  • Approve: The user confirms that the COD amounts are approved and ready to be transferred.

  • Transfer: The user confirms that the COD reconciliation and transfer has been done.

  • Actions: By clicking on action button, the user can approve and transfer the COD amounts after the reconciliation has been done.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

13. Master Airway bill Charges

The purpose of this feature is to provide the user with a list of MAWBs and the related details including MAWB total, chargeable weights, numbers of pieces and arrival/departure dates where the user can edit the details if needed.

The user can view the defined MAWB charges in the System by navigating to the ‘Master Air Waybill Charges’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 43- View-Master Air Waybill Charges

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Actions: by clicking on action button the user can view specific master air waybill charges details by referring to View Master Air Waybill Charges Details, and editing master air waybill charges by referring to Edit Master Airwaybill Charges as follows:


Figure 44 - Master Air Waybill Charges Related Actions

13.1 View-Master Air Waybill Charges Details

The user can view the details of the MAWB charges by navigating to the ‘Master Air Waybill Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows:

By clicking on the Home button, the user goes back to the home page.


Figure 45- View-Master Air Waybill Charges Details

13.2 Edit Master Air waybill Charges

The user can edit the information on the MAWB charges by clicking on Edit from Actions, by navigating to the ‘Master Air Waybill Charges’ screen via the Billing module as follows:


Figure 46 - Edit MAWB Charges

14. Return Credit Transaction

This feature provides an overview of the return credit transactions details including transactions, balance amounts, currency, and payment status. The user has the capability to filter per customer code, branch code and status for a specified period.

The user can view the return credit transaction list in the System by navigating to the ‘Return Credit transaction’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 47- Return Credit Transaction

15. Miscellaneous Charges

The user can add miscellaneous charges via Bulk Upload function on the shipment level using the attached template.

15.1 View Miscellaneous Charges

The user can view the defined miscellaneous charges in the system by navigating to the ‘Miscellaneous Charges’ screen via the Billing Module from the left navigation panel as follows:


Figure 48- view Miscellaneous Charge

  • Filters: the user can search for the AWB code, country code in the search filter fields.

  • Show Per Page: the user can select the number of items to show on each page.

  • Bulk Upload: the user can add miscellaneous charges via Bulk Upload function on the shipment level using the attached template.

  • Export to Excel: The user can use the option to filter the add charges and to export the data in excel format.

  • Actions: by clicking on this button the user can view specific miscellaneous charge details by referring to the View Miscellaneous Charge, and editing miscellaneous charge by referring Edit Miscellaneous as follows:


Figure 49 - Miscellaneous Charges Related Actions

15.2 View Miscellaneous Charges Details

The user can view the miscellaneous charges details by navigating to the ‘Miscellaneous Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Details from Actions as follows: 


Figure 50- View Miscellaneous Charges Details

15.3 Edit Miscellaneous Charges

The user can edit the miscellaneous charges information by navigating to the ‘Miscellaneous Charges’ screen via the Billing Module and clicking on Edit from Actions, as follows:


Figure 51- Edit Miscellaneous Charges

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