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What information do I need to provide when shipping with LIS?

Ensuring a smooth shipping experience with GN TEQ requires providing essential details. Below is a guide on the information needed, from company specifics to shipment details, ensuring efficient service tailored to your needs

  1. Company Commercial Name: This refers to the name under which your business operates publicly.

  2. Company Legal Name: This is the official registered name of your business as recognized by legal authorities.

  3. Business Type: Specify whether your business nature e.g. trading, e-commerce, courier.

  4. Phone Number: A contact number where you can be reached for any shipping-related queries or updates.

  5. Shipment Profile: Details regarding the nature of your shipment, such as dimensions, weight, contents (if applicable), and any special handling requirements.

  6. Origin/Destination: Provide the pickup address (origin) and the delivery address (destination) for the shipment.

  7. Any Additional Details: Include any specific instructions or requirements you have for the shipment. This could include delivery preferences, packaging instructions, or any other pertinent information.

  8. For your specific requirements, please contact our support team: If you have unique needs or questions that aren't covered by the standard information, our support team is available to assist you. Feel free to reach out to them for personalized assistance.

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