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What are main features of GN TEQ LIS shipping platform?

This brief overview highlights key features of GN TEQ LIS shipping platform. Each feature plays a crucial role in streamlining operations, enhancing visibility, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

  1. Intelligent Routing: Utilizes algorithms and data analysis to optimize shipping routes for efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

  2. Dash & BI (Business Intelligence): Provides comprehensive dashboards and analytics tools for tracking key performance indicators and making informed decisions.

  3. Control Tower: Offers centralized visibility and management of the entire shipping process, from order placement to delivery, to ensure smooth operations and timely resolutions of issues.

  4. Integration Engine: Facilitates seamless integration with various systems and platforms to streamline data exchange and automate processes.

  5. AI Forecasting: Utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to predict shipping demand, inventory levels, and other factors to optimize planning and resource allocation.

  6. Tracking: Enables real-time tracking of shipments, allowing both businesses and customers to monitor the status and location of their orders.

  7. Returns: Provides a streamlined process for handling returns, including authorization, shipping labels, and reverse logistics.

  8. Address Validator: Verifies and standardizes addresses to ensure accuracy and prevent delivery errors.

  9. Compliance Management: Helps businesses adhere to shipping regulations and standards, including customs requirements and industry-specific regulations.

  10. Finance and Billing: Manages shipping costs, invoicing, and billing processes, providing transparency and accuracy in financial transactions.

  11. Carbon Calculator: Calculates the carbon footprint of shipments, allowing businesses to track and reduce their environmental impact.

  12. Hub Operation: Optimizes the operation of shipping hubs, including sorting, storage, and distribution, to maximize efficiency and minimize delays.

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